Need advice from a geek

I'm writing a scene in a Science Fantasy setting where a dragon goes ape-shit on a Server Farm (rows of computer servers). What would happen? I'm trying to imagine someone beating the hell out of a sever farm with a sledgehammer, but on a much grander scale. Would there be explosions? Sparks flying? Flickering of lights? Or just the burning smell of circuits frying? Totally out of my expertise here. Any help would be awesome!

RE: Need advice from a geek

Hey there, I can help.

Here's how you can make it pop.

Let's assume you have a huge server farm. One extremely valuable- so valuable that it has its own dedicated power.

Now, the farm itself won't do much if you destroy it. However, the tranformers from power lines would have an impressive effect- look up transformers exploding for inspiration. Beautiful green light skin, lots of energy, electrical arcing, explosions, etc.

Now, if I really wanted to protect my data, I would have a back up generator on site. With a gasoline source. That's where you can get a second, more fiery explosion.

Best of luck,


RE: Need advice from a geek

Brilliant Leo! And yes it would have its own dedicated power source because it is in an ancient world where modern technology has been introduced for the first time.

This giant explosion however could potentially cause a problem... but I like where this is going. Here's a new question: how big of an explosion are we talking? The server farm is housed underneath a temple inside a massive City. Are we talking a few small explosions downstairs? Or are we talking grand-scale explosions? Would just the temple explode or would the entire city explode?

RE: Need advice from a geek

Well say the given server farm is exploding, but breaking the columns that support the temple. What goes down? THE TEMPLE. Of course, you'll be able to explain how each explosion destroyed a single column and shook the temple, then all of the columns were eventually broken, the temple breaking, the dragon flying out flaming the remains of the temple...

God Of The Arts series on RoyalRoad:

RE: Need advice from a geek

I mean, depends how you want to write it. Both transformers and generators vary in size- so just decide how big you want them.

Check this out for a variety of sizes or power.

RE: Need advice from a geek

Oh no, I am a geek so I click this thread. Lol. Jokes aside, I do not know about explosion. Maybe there is fire and explosion from the dragon’s flame breath. If the hero got thrown away and fighting the dragon inside server farm, then there would be lots of server bits and chunks across the floor. About electricity sparks, it could be from electric cable which got severed or maybe lamps which got broken as a residue from shockwave explosion or fight. Burning smells of circuits, definitely. Also you might want to add some concrete dust, just to make it merrier.

About the exploding the whole temple, I dunno. Maybe if you add C4…