This is a story from a side character's perspective.

Tired of always reading about an OP MC? Hate cliche stories? LOVE RPG NOVELS?!

Then this here might be the novel for you! My take on the overly used RPG genre. Hopefully my unique spin on it is well...unique enough?


Just a normal day attending a school lecture. Suddenly a monster comes up and bites the prof's neck off, killing him. And that's not all, more monsters come sprouting out!

Death is in the air. Suddenly a screen pops up in front of the MC, telling him the apocalypse has arrived. He grabs a weapon and begins killing off the mobs.

In the corner another student sat there watching the whole scene, paralysed by fear. Follow the riveting story from HIS POV, the cowardly side character!

Watch as he struggles to gather up those crucial bits of experience points, level up and survive.