harem story with no ecchi scenes? Is it possible?

Curious what you think of this concept? Is it possible? Would people go for it? Would it be liked more than a harem story with ecchi/sex scenes?

Would people like and go for a harem story with no ecchi/sex scenes? or does it sound disappointing?

RE: harem story with no ecchi scenes? Is it possible?

In my opinion harem exists only to appeal the sexual fantasies of 15 year olds. Harem stories also tend to have really flat female characters.

A romance without ecchi/sex? Yes, definitely.
Harem without ecchi/sex? Pointless.

Also, there are a lot of people that don't like sexual scenes in novels, but sex is a foundamental part of a healthy, adult relationship. You can decide to not write the sex scenes and only hint that they happened but, unless you are describing how two people got in love with each other, taking sex out of the picture completely when writing about a relationship doesn't really make sense.