RE: MC from fantasy world gets reincarnated on, or teleported to, Earth?

Well not quite what you are saying but aesthetica of a rogue hero involves people returning back to earth after going to other places\being summoned and they all still have there powers(it's a light novel/anime)

RE: MC from fantasy world gets reincarnated on, or teleported to, Earth?

I just read it. Not quite what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a story about a character that was born in a fantasy world, lived in that fantasy world for a while, then got transported/reborn on Earth. Modern-day Earth preferably.

Also, wtf is the author on in that Unsummoned story? It's obviously a self-insert fiction, so does the author really feel like that to all women? I'm no feminist and even that is making me go "misogynist much?"