Master List Of LitRPG Races

Master List

So I'm writing a LitRPG based story at the moment and I want the world to have a large variety of different species inhabiting it as you can guess. However Im kinda stuck  with what ive got so far in the way of lets say 'civilized' races and I was hoping you guys could help me come up with some more.

I also think this will be a good resource for authors in the feature to reference, when they need to.

Here is what ive come up with so far:

  • Human

  • Elf

  • Dark-elf (Drow)

  • Wood-Elf

  • Snow-Elf

  • Dwarf

  • Halfling

  • Gnome

  • Fairy

  • Nymph

  • Satyr

  • Vampire

  • Lycanthrope

  • Goblin

  • Hobgoblin

  • Orc

  • Ogre

  • Troll

  • Giant

  • Imp

  • Elemental Sprite

  • Beastmen (Demi-Human and animal mix, i.e. Half cat (also help me come up with a good naming scheme if you can))

  • Inccubus

  • Succubus

  • Minotaur

  • Kobold

  • Celestial(angel?)

  • Lamia

  • Harpy

  • Gorgon

  • Centaur

  • Mermaid (mermen)

  • Cyclops

  • Troglodyte

  • Sylphs

  • Yeti

  • Dryads

  • Gandaharvas

  • Gremlin

  • Fiends

Before you start suggesting anything though i think I should specify some restrictions I placed on the list:

  1. Whilst some of the races may hate each other or be quite stupid ( i.e. goblins hate humans and are stupid) i still feel that all the races on this list should have at least some form of civilization and social constructs. So that means dont include things like a Horned rabbit or anything like that.

  2. I also didn't include things like dragons or gryphions because whilst they may be intelligent, maybe even more so than some races they aren't humanoid enough for me, so please don't include them. (I may make another list of monster races)

  3. Also please don't include things that are evolution or special variations of already mentioned race (i.e High-Human or Sand goblin and the like).

OK I think that's it I really appreciate any suggestions I get. Ill compile a full list after a While. For Real. Definitely. For sure. Maybe....

RE: Master List Of LitRPG Races

Dude...Not to be rude, but you have to be a genius writer if you want to have that many races so different from each other.
Notice that the apparience of the races isn't the only thing that is diffrente, culture, politics, architectual infracture, etc... That's why most of authors stick with the basic dwarf, elfs, fairys. They are clearly differents...In your case you would have to adapt the human society and morph it to fit that current race..
TL DR: Fewer Races, more quality over quantity.
"A path is smthing you create as you walk it.The ground you've trodden hardens,and thats what forms your path.You're the only 1 who can create your own path"