Looking for Mc's who learns magic

Ever since I started reading light novels i've always been looking for ones where the main charactor learns magic.
It could be portal fiction, (transported, summoned, reincarnated) LitRPG, apocalypse LitRPG, or an Mc who was born and raised in a world with magic.

For example:

The Arcane Emperor(RRL)
Once human, Now a Parasite(RRL)
Spectral Regalia(RRL)
Mortalis Mortal(RRL)
Stop Calling Me A Demon King(RRL)
Atros Emperium(RRL)
The Kingdom of the Dead(RRL)
Daniel Black series(Kindle)
Most of andurs books(RRL)

I've read a lot more on this site as well as light novels and books from kindle. Lately a lot of the ones i've been reading are eaither dropped or haven't been updated with no explanation. If anyone can respond with books that have been updated in the last 2-3 weeks or completed I would be grateful, Thanks.

RE: Looking for Mc's who learns magic

Donno... Magic? Maybe this: https://royalroadl.com/fiction/10419/triple-orb-academy
I personally don't like most magic stories on RRs. They are cutting out the whole mysterious part about magic. Their magic is just a power. Easy and clear to explain. What I loved about magic was how unexplainable it was. How dangerous and unpredictable. Every spell had its own soul and consequences - its own history and nature. Using magic changed you and you changed magic. It was something bigger to grasp than any magic congregations could manage and so mages from all around the world were fascinated by it. All their lives trying to understand it. Looking for the root of all magic in hope to finally find the answer what magic really is...
You puny authors write a word "magic" in your synopsis but it seems you no longer remember the true meaning behind that word.
(theeyecansee turns around and walks away towards the setting sun. The dark sky envelop his sillhouette as he rises his right hand as a form of goodbye - not even looking behind he utters his parting words that echoes far in the distance.
"Don't forget what you have learned today."
"We will meet again."
"Pray that I will be a human then..."
A cold laugh vibrates through the night air as the man abruptly disappears. You are nearly sure that he wasn't that far away to vanish yet from your sight...
With anxious eyes you look at the road feeling irrational fear building inside you.
You strongly shook your head. No. It must have been my imagination.
With careful steps you are making your way back to your apartment unwillingly throwing nervous glances behind just to make double sure no one follows you.)