Old Royal Road Kingdom building/Reincarnation story

The Story begins with the main character in the library of the X Kingdom, preparing for his last stand against the "Demons", aka the Tolkienesque fantasy races [Dwarves, Elves, Orcs...], he then proceeds to make an epic land stand, and dies. The end- Or is it? He is transported back to when he is a baby, blah blah, training montage, he uses the knowledge from the library of X Kingdom/Duchy to train himself as a child, blah blah blah, he becomes a noble, prevents the demon invasion, and goes on various little adventures.

The Problem; I can't find this anymore. I haven't touched this account in quite the long time, and I apparently didn't bother to review or bookmark it at all. I scrolled through the top 10 pages of popular, but I still couldn't find it. Anyone mind lending a hand?