game-like world fictions

i suddenly feel a bit interested in fictions with game-like world, with guilds and all that (except the common Av. Guild)
fictions like "The Sanctuary"(Pub.) or "Eterna's Source"(RRL) or "The ALchemist & The Herald"(RRL) also, not litRPG though, with quests, missions, etc. as realistic as possible, just like those 3, instead of stuff like repetitive 'Goblin subjugation' like those fictions with A.G

RE: game-like world fictions

oh, by game-like world i mean like the kind of MMORPG u may often see, with guilds and all that, let's say, like in 'Fairy Tail' for example
game-like world here means 'game-inspired world', there's stuff like instances, guild raids, revival spells and the like
without litRPG of course

put it this way: ( x = 'not have', v = 'have', ~ = 'optional')
-sentient Dungeon ( maybe there's, but not some kind of sentient Dungeon with 'blue screen' and evolutions, dungeon points and all that (litRPG) ) (~)
-adventurer's guild ( a not-so-doable existence but somehow always appear in Fantasy setting Neutral ) (x)
-guilds ( like 'Sanctuary' in 'Sanctuary' series, or 'Eterna' in 'Eterna's Source', or 'Fairy Tail' in 'Fairy Tail' ) (v)
-litRPG (x)
-classes ( as in defined by individual's abilities, not literally 'Class: Mage' (litRPG) )(~)
-(might put more, but yeah, u got the idea)

anyway, i'm not really into litRPG or VR and the like atm, so gonna put it in 'reserve list' for now to read later when i got interested in litRPG :P