{Teonala},  remembered by few as the best VR-MMO game of the century and by most as one hell of a death game which lasted well over a year starting at the date of its supposed 'shut down'. The player {Ethardori} one of the best in the game experienced the game from its beginnings being of its 100 {beta testers} all the way up to when it turned into a death game. He watched many friends die during the death game which the players ended up calling the APOCALYPSE Era of the 'game'. {Ethardori} was very much there at the end of the 'game' as well ended up landing the final blow to the final boss which in turn free'd all the players from the 'game'. But now our main character, {Ethadrdori} of course. Finds himself in a rather extraordinary situation. {Ethardori} and all his belongings (including his personal NPC's) are in the world of {Teonala} only 1 million years after the end of the APOCALYPSE Era.