Lucy wickshire. What to expect in d coming chapters. Q&A!

So, I'm going to use this opportunity to answer most questions i've been asked about the book and to tell you about what this year will look like for Lucy Wickshire. 

Up coming chapters:

The next chapters I will concentrate on the feud between the king and queen and the king's plot to dethrone her. Who will win,  you'll have to keep reading. 

I am already delving into Lucy's background for those reading on my patreon page and will talk more about her legendary mother. 

Of course on the road to dethrone the queen,  we have met lady Teel. Why she is captive will be the concentration of the next ten or so chapters. 

Oh I'm rounding up these power change arks with a burial..... ????


This is for most that followed me from Wattpad here.  I did say I will answer the questions I received in ur messages and this is a promise I will keep. So,  let's begin. 

Q: Is there a male lead? 

A: hmm. I understand this kind of story would need a male lead in the ideal fantasy and truthfully I think so too. But to answer I wonder if you are leaning towards the romantic side. If so, i'm not sure if an in love Lucy has ever crossed my mind. As for a male Of equal standing, we'LL have to see if I wake up on the good side of the bed. 

Q: how did Lucy convince the king for her wickshire title?

A: well, in the next chapter or for those reading on patreon, the chapter now out, you'LL hear the king mention something about his first encounter with Lucy. I'm sure the picture will become clearer. 

Q: If she's just 12 then when did she start Playing with people's minds?

A: this question was asked before the start of this New arks, but I will still answer. In the present ark, the one released before new Year, I introduced a character named Nanny Han. I think reading will be a better explanation. 

Q: at what age did her mum die? She seems too cunning to be like this on her own.

A: the age Lucy's mother died was explained in the chapter where I introduced Nanny Han. Just by reading about the character, you could get ur answer. 

So, do not hesitate to ask me questions. I will answer on this thread and if not,  I will let you know.  For those who are going.. ?????? (what is she talking about?) you can read the book LUCY WICKSHIRE and join our little family.  Go to