Forgot this form the summer

I believe the fiction was popular over the summer because that when i found it and I most likely came across it on the ranking list. The MC died on earth and was pulled over to another world by the dragon god Tiamat in order to serve as her proxy. His name, at least on earth, was Logan. It turns out that logan is the reincarnation of tiamat's husband, who was also a god. His father has some sort of demon blood or special ability, can't really remember, that makes him a berserker, and his mother has the power of death magic. I think he might of has a sister but i don't remember. His mother's side is extremely powerful and has tow of the strongest people, Nero and Nova, who are ranked XXX which is only achieved by killing a bunch of gods. The MC has the power of a dragon thanks to being tiamats proxy which essentially makes him her son. He also has his fathers berserking power but not this mothers death magic because only girls can inherit that. Those are the most genreall things i could rember so it would help me out if you guys would let me know what that is to. Thanks a bunch!